Wednesday 17 June 2009

Fond Farewell

When I started this blog I wanted to explore the borders of public and private. It seemed like quite an adventure. However, what I have learned in the past days is that there is a serious side to this. As is my wont, I set out full of hope and excitement and in joyful expectation of the learning that lay ahead, little imagining the mischief some may make of this. I wish wisdom would join me as a travelling companion. Or even common sense. I was aware that 'putting myself out there' would expose me to critical scrutiny but I did not anticipate it would also expose me to personal scrutiny and attack. This has been salutary.

This blog was an academic production - even the posts about my life outside study and the academy were included because I felt they contributed to my project. It was a way of 'doing' reflexivity. I have looked again at my aims and I am pleased with them and I have learned a great deal by addressing them. I will certainly include an account in my thesis of my blog-keeping days and how it has expanded my understanding.

As you may have gathered by now I will no longer be keeping this blog. I did consider keeping it because, in the end, a bit of venom can actually act to fortify one's immune system. However, I did a posting yesterday and was aware that the happiness and joy I had felt in keeping it was no longer there. I actually closed it down for a day or so. But what I have decided is to leave it there in cyberspace so I can use it in my thesis - tinkering with it now and then to keep it 'active'. I'll close it down when my thesis is done.


Pseudo Super mum said...

Oh, you stopped blogging! Just when I'd found your blog and thought, at last, another 50-ish PhD student with teenage sons ... then I realised I was looking at what was clearly intended to be a final posting.

I wonder if you've finished the thesis yet? I graduated, with pride, last December, but I don't yet seem to have stopped researching.

All best wishes with your own journey.