Sunday 14 June 2009

Academic Time Travelling - part 2

I have never been one for wishing my life away - time goes too fast as it is. But right now I find myself wishing I could go forward in time. The 'circumstances' and 'situations' to which I sometimes refer in this blog are overwhelming me at the moment. At times I worry I'll never complete the PhD coz there is too much else to distract me. But I will. I find myself doing the same thing as when my mum died - shut everything else out and focus, focus, focus. So I wonder what kind of dried out old prune I'll be at the end of it?
On a much breezier note I've spent the day thinking about my quilt which will be the visual representation of my methodology. As well as a lot of visual work I've also been writing about whatI'm doing and writing so I get a clearer idea about what I'm doing. I haven't yet got as far as ordering any fabric but I'm getting close - then comes the sewing. That will be fun. But the more I do it the more I appreciate the similarities between doing the thesis and doing the quilt and although I sometimes rue the day I decided to do it, it becomes more and more apparent why I did and that following through on this will enrich my project no end.