Thursday, 5 March 2009

Becoming a PhD student

I've been on a workshop! And I, yes the person who is still amazed she can switch a computer on and never learned how to work a video recorder (remember those?), have now made a series of short 'movies'. I have taken Alan Bennett's 'Talking Heads' as my inspiration as I am obviously a Puritan at heart. I assure you, it was an aesthetic and methodological decision and not just coz I am rubbish at technology. In fact I have rather taken to this moviemaking malarky.

During the workshop we were asked to reflect on the critical incidents that have peppered our research journey, our becoming a PhD student. I also used it as an opportunity to do something for the blog. And it has certainly given me much food for thought on what I am prepared to reveal as well as raising certain ethical issues (of which more later). In short it dovetailed with all the issues I was hoping to work with by having a blog in the first place.

This is the first clip and I talk about how my journey began.


Anonymous said...

I do appreciate and identify with the notion that undertaking a PhD is a very personal journey; one that (in some very fundamental ways) is private and solitary. Despite the uniqueness of each doctoral journey, there are some common threads woven throughout our processes. This has become particularly apparent to me in viewing your video and reading many of your blog posts. I identify with much that you’ve said.

I wonder then, if this “connection” shared by PhD candidates is in fact a double-edged sword. There’s no doubt in my mind that collegial relationships help many candidates through difficult times, toward the ultimate realization of her or his individual academic goal. But, I also wonder if these same relationships have the propensity to foster some of the elitism found within the academy. Can one be a part of the academy; a contributing member, while at the same time not get swallowed up in the often disconnected silos of higher learning?